Two incredible woman. Two incredible survivors.
My maternal grandmother is first. I call her Puppy Mouse (it's a German thing), she battled and won Breast Cancer at the age of 75. She is still alive and kicking 15 years later! Can you believe it she turned 90 last year!
I'm encouraging you to go and read the details on their website it will be clearer coming straight from them. It's about sharing recipes, goodies, and donating all for a great cause.
So I have my date booked as May 13th. This is when I get to share my recipe! Now what recipe should I choose??? That is the question. A Yummy cupcake, fabulous cookie??? How can I decide? I know, I'll let you decide.
So here are the details. The entire fund raising done by Frosting for the Cause is based on the honor system. So I will do the same. If i get 50 people to commit to donating any amount to any cancer organization of their choice I will let you choose the recipe. I'll post up a couple of choices and you can tell me what recipe you want from me.
Simply comment on this post once you have donated and once I get 50 of you that donate, I will post up the choices.
Please give generously!
Here are some links for some Cancer Organizations, but you are not limited to these!